tiistai 2. toukokuuta 2017

Charlotte Betts: The house in Quill Court

Charlotte Betts kirjoittaa tarkasti havainnoituja historiallisia romaaneja, joissa katsotaan elämää syvemmältä kuin vain yläluokan viihteellisestä näkökulmasta: The house in Quill Court (Piatkus, 2016; ISBN 978-0-349-40452-3).

Tässä romaanissa Betts kertoo sisustussuunnittelijoiden maailmasta 1800-luvun alkupuolen Englannissa. Romaani on viihteellisempi kuin kehuttu The Apothecary's Daughter, mutta tässäkin on kosolti syvällisempää sisältöä. Naisnäkökulma on vahva, ja mieshahmot on kuvattu huomattavasti keveämmin ja viitteellisemmin.

1813. Venetia Lovell lives by the sea in Kent with her pretty, frivolous mother and idle younger brother. Venetia's father, Theo, is an interior decorator to the rich and frequently travels away from home, leaving his sensible and artistic daughter to look after the family. Venetia designs paper hangings and she and her father often daydream about having an imaginary shop where they would display the highest quality furniture, fabrics and art to his clients.

When a handsome but antagonistic stranger, Jack Chamberlaine, arrives at the Lovell's cottage just before Christmas bringing terrible news, Venetia's world is turned upside-down and the family have no option but to move to London, to the House in Quill Court and begin a new life. Here, Venetia's courage and creativity are tested to breaking point, and she discovers a love far greater than she could have ever imagined.

From the multi-award-winning author of The Apothecary's Daughter, The House in Quill Court is a gorgeously evocative Regency novel bursting with historical flavour and characters you won't forget.

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