maanantai 8. elokuuta 2016

Fran Wilde: Updraft

Fran Wilden fantasiaromaanissa ihmiset lentävät selkään kiinnitetyillä siivillä, käyden kauppaa ja kaksintaisteluja: Updraft (TOR, 2015; ISBN 978-0-7653-7783-8).

Romaani tuntui suunnatun nuorille lukijoille, eikä tarina kulkenut ollenkaan hassummin romaanin alkupuolella, jossa pikku hiljaa paljastui millaisesta maailmasta fantasiaromaanissa on kyse. Romaanin loppupuolella alkoi juonesta paljastua turhan paljon aukkoja, kun sattuma seurasi toistaan, enkä jaksanut lukea teosta loppuun saakka.

Kirit Densira cannot wait to pass her wingtest and begin flying as a trader by her mother's side, being in service to her beloved home tower and exploring the skies beyond. When Kirit inadvertently breaks Tower Law, the city's secretive governing body, the Singers, demand that she become one of them instead. In an attempt to save her family from greater censure, Kirit must give up her dreams to throw herself into the dangerous training at the Spire, the tallest, most forbidding tower, deep at the heart of the City. As she grows in knowledge and power, she starts to uncover the depths of Spire secrets. Kirit begins to doubt her world and its unassailable Laws, setting in motion a chain of events that will lead to a haunting choice, and may well change the city forever-if it isn't destroyed outright.

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