Issa Rae kertoo elämänkerrallisissa esseissä nuoruudestaan ja elämänkokemuksen karttumisesta tavalla jossa mennään syvälle yksityiselle alueelle: The misadventures of awkward black girl (Atria, 2016; ISBN 978-1-4767-4907-5).
Vaikka kirjan tarinat kertovatkin introvertin afroamerikkalaisen nuoren naisen elämästä, on monessa kohtaa kerrontaa sellaista sisältöä joka sopii mihin tahansa kulttuuriin ja elämäntilanteeseen. Toisaalta mukana on myös sellaista pohdintaa jonka kiinnostavuus tuntui marginaaliselta, ehkä siksi etten ole oikeaa kohderyhmää pohtimaan esimerkiksi siitä pitäisikö kiharainen tumma tukka ajaa kaljuksi vai ei.
In this universally accessible New York Times bestseller named for her wildly popular web series, Issa Rae waxes humorously on what it's like to be unabashedly awkward in a world that regards introverts as hapless misfits and black as cool.
I'm awkward-and black. Someone once told me those were the two worst things anyone could be. That someone was right. Where do I start?
Being an introvert (as well as ""funny"") in a world that glorifies cool isn't easy. But when Issa Rae, the creator of the Shorty Award-winning hit series The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl, is that introvert - whether she's navigating love, the workplace, friendships, or "rapping" - it sure is entertaining.
Now, in this New York Times bestselling debut collection written in her witty and self-deprecating voice, Rae covers everything from cyber sexing in the early days of the Internet to deflecting unsolicited comments on weight gain, from navigating the perils of eating out alone and public displays of affection to learning to accept yourself - natural hair and all. The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl is a book no one - awkward or cool, black, white, or other - will want to miss.
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