perjantai 11. toukokuuta 2018

Catherine Gayle: Wallflower

Catherine Gaylen historiallisessa rakkausromaanissa on hömppää runsaanpuoleisesti, mutta toisaalta kirjassa on myös mukavasti huumoria, mikä tekee siitä vähemmän teolliselta tuotannolta maistuvan tekeleen kuin aluksi oletin: Wallflower (Night Shift Publishing, 2011; ISBN 9781938101045).

Päähenkilöt ovat melkoisen itsepäisiä otuksia, ja jonkin verran välienselvittelyä on luvassa kun naimisiin ollaan menossa ja karikkoja tuntuu putkahtavan eteen suunnasta jos toisestakin.

The choice between adhering to a long-held pact and finally accepting love could prove Lady Tabitha Shelton’s unhinging. She is plump, plain, pleasant ... and thoroughly unappealing to any of the men of the ton—apart from fortune hunters. A self-appointed wallflower, she has every intention of remaining one. Tabitha made a vow of spinsterhood with her cousins when they were girls, and she refuses to go back on her word. So far, she’s proven herself quite adept at warding off the blasted fortune hunters’ pursuits.

Noah deLancie, Marquess of Devonport, would prefer to marry for love and companionship — he’s a gentleman through and through — but circumstances have forced his hand: he needs money as badly as he needs a bride. When Noah’s brother-in-law suggests pursuit of his sister, Tabitha, a woman with a dowry large enough to cause even Croesus to blush and who is tantalizingly good company to boot, Noah stumbles into the future he hopes to secure. He’ll stop at nothing to convince Tabitha to marry him.

Nothing, that is, except perhaps the barrel of a dueling pistol, held to his face by his ladylove.

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