lauantai 15. lokakuuta 2016

Stephanie Laurens: Tangled reins jne.

Stephanie Laurensin romaani Tangled Reins aloittaa neljän historiallisen romaanin sarjan. Vuonna 1992 ilmestynyt teos oli nimimerkkiä käyttävän kirjailijan esikoisteos.

Erityisen taitavaksi kirjoittajaksi Laurensia ei voi sanoa, mutta tuotteliaisuutta häneltä löytyy esimerkillisessä määrin. Tähän mennessä kirjailijalta on ilmestynyt teoksia kymmenittäin, ja useimmat niistä kytkeytyvät monipolvisiksi romaanisarjoiksi.

Näissä ensimmäisissä romaaneissa on tarinan kuljetuksessa ja ihmishahmoissa melkoista kömpelyyttä, mutta teollisen tuotannon tunnetta toisaalta on vähemmän kuin uudemmissa kirjoissa.

Huumoriakin löytyy, esimerkiksi romaanissa Four in hand tehdään naimakauppoja oikein urakalla. Loppumetreillä käy ilmi että kaikki neljä pariskuntaa ovat menneet toisiltaan salassa naimisiin, malttamattomia kun ovat.

Tangled reins (Mira, 2009; ISBN 978-0-7783-0205-6)

Miss Dorothea Darent has no intention of ever getting married, certainly not to a rogue such as the Marquis of Hazelmere. A disreputable scoundrel, he is captivated when they meet by chance and is determined to win her heart, even while she’s busy dazzling the rest of London society. Now Dorothea has a choice to make: stick with her plan to remain a respectable spinster, or run into the arms of her dashing stranger.

Four in hand (Mira, 2009; ISBN 978-0-7783-0306-0)

Max Rotherbridge couldn’t believe it. Along with the dukedom of Twyford, he―London’s most notorious rogue―had inherited wardship of four devilishly attractive sisters! Including the irresistible Caroline Twinning. The eldest Twinning was everything he had ever wanted in a woman, but even Max couldn’t seduce his own ward…or could he? After all, he did have a substantial reputation to protect. And what better challenge than the one woman capable of stealing his heart?

Impetuous innocent (Mira, 2009; ISBN 978-0-7783-0267-4)

After the death of her dear father, Georgiana Hartley returns home to England ― only to be confronted by the boorish advances of her wretched cousin. Knowing no one, she flees to Dominic Ridgely’s estate, hoping the nobleman will bestow a neighborly kindness upon her. The haughty viscount hears Georgiana’s plea to find her a position as a lady’s companion with thinly veiled disgust. A lovely innocent such as Miss Hartley subjected to that base existence? The very idea was preposterous. Instead, he takes matters into his own hands and introduces her to his sister’s influence. Suddenly, Georgiana is transformed into a lady who charms the ton with ease and draws a bevy of suitors at every turn. Everything is unfolding according to Dominic’s plan... until he realizes that he desires Georgiana for his own.

Fair Juno (Mira, 2009; ISBN 978-0-7783-0277-3)

From the sparkling ballrooms of Regency London to the wealthy glamour of the country house - let Stephanie Laurens be your guide! Kidnapped in the small hours, Miss Helen Walford had spent the day being battered and jostled, tied and gagged, trussed and trapped in a worn-out chaise. She was rescued by the infamous Martin Willisden - a rakehell who had been banished to the army, now scandalously raised to the rank of Earl of Merton! To add insult to injury, the proper Miss Walford had been forced into a compromising situation with her wicked saviour. Her only defence lay in anonymity. But captured by her beauty and bravery, the Earl of Merton knew that he had to find his mysterious lady.

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