sunnuntai 1. heinäkuuta 2018

Tessa Dare: Say yes to the marquess

Tessa Dare tarjoaa kevyesti hömppäisen historiallisen rakkausromaanin, jossa naimakauppoja sekä perutaan että viritellään: Say yes to the marquess (HarperCollins, 2014; ISBN 978-0-06-224018-7).

Juonta on maustettu skotlantilaisella linnallakin, mikä ei kuitenkaan peitä tarinan pinnallisuutta. No, dialogissa on paikka paikoin terävyyttäkin.

After eight years of waiting for Piers Brandon, the wandering Marquess of Granville, to set a wedding date, Clio Whitmore has had enough. She's inherited a castle, scraped together some pride, and made plans to break her engagement. Not if Rafe Brandon can help it. A ruthless prizefighter and notorious rake, Rafe is determined that Clio will marry his brother - even if he has to plan the dratted wedding himself.

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