tiistai 10. tammikuuta 2017

Michael Connelly: The crossing

Michael Connellyn rikosromaani kertoo entisestä poliisista Harry Boschista, joka päätyy selvittelemään rikosta puolustusasianajajan toimeksiannosta: The crossing (Orion Books, 2015; ISBN 978-1-4091-4552-3).

Connellyn teksti on paikoitellen yksityiskohtaisen tarkkaan kuvausta rikoksen selvittelystä, mutta jaaritteluun hän ei syyllisty, sillä tekstissä on koko ajan tekemisen meininkiä, pohdintaa joka vie tarinaa eteenpäin, tuo siihen uusia sävyjä ja ulottuvuuksia.

Taitava kirjoittaja Connelly on, mistä tulikin mieleen että on syytä laittaa sarjan seuraava romaani varaukseen kirjastosta nyt samantien. Niinpä, The Wrong Side of Goodbye on nyt varauksessa, varaus nro 47.

Six months ago, Harry Bosch left the LAPD before they could fire him, and then hired maverick Defense Attorney Mickey Haller to sue the department for forcing him out. Although it wasn't the way he wanted to go, Harry has to admit that being out of the game has its benefits. Until Mickey asks him to help on one of his cases, and suddenly Harry is back where he belongs, right in the centre of a particularly puzzling murder mystery. The difference is, this time Harry is working for the defense, aiming to prevent the accused, Leland Foster, from being convicted. And not only does the prosecution seem to have a cast-iron case, but having crossed over to 'the dark side' as his former colleagues would put it, Harry is in danger of betraying the very principles he's lived by his whole career.

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