Stephanie Laurensin kirjasarjassa The Adventurers Quartet on neljä osaa, jotka muodostavat jatkuvan tarinan, vaikka kukin romaani on erillinen romaani. Saman reseptin toistaminen neljä kertaa on aikamoisen puuduttavaa, vaikka mukana on eksotiikkaakin kuten vaeltamista Afrikan viidakkojen uumeniin. Jaksoin lukea sarjan kaksi ensimmäistä romaania, kolmas jäi kesken, enkä neljättä enää huolinut luettavaksi. Sinänsä helppolukuista viihdettä, mutta tehdastuotannon maku lyö läpi.
The lady's command (Harlequin MIRA, 2016; ISBN 978-1-848-45433-0)
How does marriage work? If convention is set aside and is no longer there to guide - what then? Stephanie Laurens' series, 'The Adventurers Quartet', offers a blend of Regency-era high seas adventure, a mystery shrouded in the heat of tropical jungles, and the passionate romances of four couples and their unexpected journeys into love.
A buccaneer at heart (Harlequin MIRA, 2016; ISBN 978-1-848-45450-7)

After a decade of captaining diplomatic voyages for Frobisher Shipping, alongside covert missions for the Crown, Captain Robert Frobisher decides that establishing a home-with hearth and wife-should be his next challenge. But an unexpected mission intervenes. Although Robert sees himself as a conservative businessman-cum-diplomat and this mission is far from his usual sphere, it nevertheless falls within the scope of his abilities. As matters are urgent, he agrees to depart for West Africa forthwith. To Robert, his way forward is clear: Get to Freetown, determine the location of a slavers' camp, return to London with the information, and then proceed to find himself a wife. Already in Freetown, Miss Aileen Hopkins is set on finding her younger brother Will, a naval lieutenant who has mysteriously disappeared.
The daredevil snared (MIRA, 2016; ISBN 978-1-848-45519-1)

Captain Caleb Frobisher, hedonistic youngest son of a seafaring dynasty, wants to be taken seriously. Seizing the next leg of the covert mission his brothers are pursuing, he acts decisively and effectively in securing the mission's objectives. But responsibility has taken root, and he remains in the jungle to ensure the mission's ultimate goal.
She will risk everything
Katherine Fortescue fled a life of poverty and came to Freetown as a governess, only to be kidnapped and forced to oversee the child workforce at a mine. Guarded by well-armed, well-trained mercenaries, the captives have lost all hope of escape. Then Katherine meets a handsome man—a captain—and he brings the sweet promise of rescue.
Together they will face the future
The sadistic mercenary who runs the mine has other plans, but Caleb's true strength lies in extracting advantage from adversity, and through the clashes that follow, he becomes the leader he was always destined to be. The sort of man Katherine can trust—with her body, with her life. With her love.
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