keskiviikko 25. huhtikuuta 2018

Mary Higgins Clark: All by myself, alone

Helmetin e-kirjoista löytyy Mary Higgins Clarkin jännäri, jossa varakkaat ihmiset risteilevät huippumukavalla laivalla, ja monenmoista juonenkäännettä on paketoitu tarinaan: All by myself, alone (Simon & Schuster, 2017; ISBN 978-1-4711-6281-7).

Johtuneeko ihmishahmojen pinnallisuudesta vai yläluokkaisten ihmisten yltäkylläisen elämän kalpeudesta, en jaksanut romaania kovin pitkälle lukea. Toki loppuratkaisun lunttasin, enkä suuresti yllättynyt.

Fleeing a disastrous and humiliating arrest of her husband-to-be on the eve of their wedding, Celia Kilbride, a gems and jewellery expert, hopes to escape from public attention by lecturing on a brand-new cruise ship - the Queen Charlotte.

On board she meets 86-year-old Lady Emily Haywood, 'Lady Em', as she is known throughout the world. Immensely wealthy, Lady Em is the owner of a priceless emerald necklace that she intends to leave to the Smithsonian after the cruise. Three days out to sea Lady Em is found dead - and the necklace is missing. The list of suspects is large and growing. Celia sets out to find the killer, not realising that she has put herself in mortal danger before the ship reaches its final destination.

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