perjantai 4. marraskuuta 2016

Victoria Connelly: A summer to remember

Victoria Connellyn romaania mainostetaan "kesäkirjaksi", mikä tarkoittanee että se on helppolukuista viihdettä: A summer to remember (Avon, 2014; ISBN 978-1-84756-284-5).

En lukenut kirjaa kesällä, eikä sen lukemisessa kulunut kauankaan. Tarina on melkolailla höttöinen, eikä romaanin ihmishahmoja voi kovin syvällisiksi kuvailla, mutta jonkinlaista reippaan lämmintä henkeä teoksessa on, se ei ollut läheskään niin teollisen tuotteen makuinen kuin pelkäsin.

Escape deep into the English countryside in this perfect summer's day read. Fans of Alexandra Potter and Katie Fforde won't be able to resist. Nina Elliot is tired of her life. She's not sure how it happened but, somewhere along the way, she lost track of where it was all going. So one fateful day, she makes a brave decision: she's going to leave it all behind. Taking a job deep in the English countryside, Nina does just that. Ensconced at the Old Mill, she settles into daily life with the Milton family, where she works as a researcher for author Dudley. With endless summer days stretching out ahead of her, Nina couldn't be happier. But her quiet life is soon interrupted when the handsome Milton boys return home - for they plan to make sure this really is a summer to remember.

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